Breast Asymmetry—It’s the Norm!

5 mins read | 9/8/2022

Let’s get one thing straight: having different sized breasts is normal. Not only is it normal, but it’s also extremely common. Considering how the media has traditionally portrayed the “perfect” female form (i.e., round butt, teeny-tiny waist, and perky, even breasts), it’s no surprise that this little piece of info gets lost in the body image shuffle.

But guess what? Most women don’t look like that—naturally, anyway. In fact, reportedly half the female population has some degree of asymmetry in the breasts. If you identify with that majority, know that we see you—we are you—and we’re here to provide some uneven-breast-size solutions to keep you confident all day, every day.

Breast Asymmetry

You’ve probably heard that there are about six different breast shapes—low profile, side set, relaxed, teardrop, bell, and full all around—but there are often differences within those shapes, too.

Breast asymmetry refers to the variance in size, volume, position, and form from one breast to the other. Though causes aren’t 100% known, it’s likely related to genetics, puberty, and hormones. (Note: if you experience a sudden change in evenness or size, consult a doctor.)

Best Bras for Uneven Breasts

Finding the right style is challenging enough, but with asymmetrical breasts, it’s even a little trickier. In general, we don’t recommend one type over another, since everyone has individual fit preferences and bodies that respond differently. We do, though, have a few tips you can keep in mind when using a bra to embrace your natural shape.

  1. Fit to your larger breast first:Especially if one of your breasts is at least one cup size larger than the other, accommodating to that side from the start helps reduce spillage and any discomfort from a too-small size.

  2. Try lined styles:These silhouettes include molded cups and can be ideal for breasts with a difference of one or more cup sizes. The padding provides extra shape on the smaller side while helping fill in the gap.

  3. Try unlined styles:The opposite silhouette can work just as well and is particularly ideal for breasts with a difference of less than one cup size.

  4. Adjust your straps:There’s no rule that says your straps must be even—they’re adjustable for a reason.

Asymmetrical Breasts Are Beautiful

There’s no magic style that will “fix” asymmetry in the breasts (especially since only broken things get fixed), but there are easy ways to work with what you have. And what you have is gorgeous! Your asymmetry is a unique part of you—not some weird flaw that only you ended up with. So, consider these tips and focus on finding a great fit. You deserve to feel good in your skin.